Foods That Keep You Warm in The Winter
Winter is almost here and during these cooler or cold months, we all want to stay warm. Why is that important? Because we want to maintain the balance in our minds and bodies. Too much cold not only has you shivering, frozen, and uncomfortable, but it also affects your mood and mindset. You become more prone to lethargy, low energy, and overeating, which thus makes you more susceptible to getting sick because of a lowered immune system.
Aside from turning up your heater and wearing your favorite comfy sweater, another way to find some relief from the cold is by consuming warming foods and drinks. Now this isn’t just about foods that are warm or hot in temperature like soups and stews - although those are a great start! There are actually certain foods, herbs, and spices that naturally have a warming effect on the body. For those you who are Pitta dominant, make sure to not go overboard on spicy food. Since you already run warm naturally, too much warming foods can cause inflammation. Vata and Kapha dominant folks, you’ll want to make sure that you’re definitely incorporating as much warming foods as you can because you naturally run cooler. No matter your constitution, pay attention to how you’re feeling so that you can make the necessary adjustments to your winter diet.